Sewer Connections

Plumbing License

Septic License

Gravity and Low Pressure Sewer Connections

We have been connecting properties to city sewer for many years.  All of our trenches/ditches are hand dug unless otherwise specified. We have found that hand digging is just as efficient and does much less damage to lawns, sprinklers, phones lines and TV cables. We always call Sunshine locates to locate underground utility lines. Our best compliments are, "We could not tell that you have been there!" All work is fully permitted and guaranteed. We are a licensed and insured contractor. Total Septic has its own pump truck and we are your one stop shop to get you tied into your local sewer system fast and efficiently. Often times we are on and off your property in just three days. 

Total Septic, Jupiter, Florida - Total Septic Service in Jupiter

Low Pressure Sewer System 

Total Septic has been installing low pressure sewer systems for many years. We work closely with the Loxahatchee River District and are one of the few contractors allowed to wire their panels. We have developed a system to get the job done quickly and efficiently with little to no disruption of your plumbing facilities. We can pull the necessary permits, pick up and install your low pressure system, pump and abandon your old septic system making Total Septic your one stop shop. We have electricians available to get the job done as efficiently and cost effective as possible. We are sensitive to your house and landscaping and can tailor fit the low pressure system to hide it as best as possible. 

Contact Us for a Free Estimate

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