"If Water Runs Through It We Do It!"

Plumbing License #CFC057596

Septic License #SA0111725


Pumping your septic tank on a regular basis is the best way to maintain your onsite sewer system. Solids and sludge can build up preventing the flow of water to your drain field. What’s worse, left unattended, solids and sludge get into your drain field causing costly repairs in the thousands of dollars. When a septic system backs up into a house or business it is not a laughing matter. Water can damage flooring, cause sanitary nuisances, odors and health problems. Adding bacteria helps but nothing takes the place of pumping your septic system on a regular basis. Systems vary but the best rule of thumb is every two to three years.

Contact Us for a Free Estimate

Total Septic, Jupiter, Florida - Total Septic Service in Jupiter

Line Cleaning and Jetting

Solids and grease can adhere to the walls of the drainage pipe restricting the water flow.  High velocity line jetting is a way of cleaning the interior walls of your drainage pipes. Line cleaning is a way of clearing a blockage in a drain pipe.  We recommend having your mainline cleaned with each pump out to ensure to make sure you won’t have any backups or blockages before we leave the site. It is also cheaper and more convenient to perform the line jetting while we are pumping your septic onsite, rather than call us back at a different time.

Total Septic also carries a variety of cable machines for the tougher or difficult jobs.

Sewer Installations

Knowing how important plumbing is, we can schedule your plumbing needs with the least amount of disruption in service. Often times we can service you within hours, not days.  We have been hooking homes and businesses up to city sewer for many years.  Total Septic has experience in both Low Pressure and gravity sewer systems. We maintain a good working relationship with the Loxahatchee River District and are one of the few plumbers allowed to wire the lift stations.  Total Septic Service prides itself in being fast and efficient.  We know that you don’t want your lawn and landscaping torn up for weeks. Normally we get on and off your property in as short a time as possible.  Total Septic can handle the whole job from the permit to installation and even re-sodding if requested.

Total Septic, Jupiter, Florida - Total Septic Service in Jupiter
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