Grease Traps for Restaurants
Below is a typical grease trap configuration for a restaurant. Water flows from the kitchen and goes through the grease trap much like a septic tank. The main difference is that the outlet should be set low enough to prevent any grease from entering the sewer system. Usually the lighter grease floats to the top creating a layer that can be removed by a pump truck. The septic hauler takes it directly to the sewer plant thus keeping it from clogging up the main sewer system. Most grease traps should be pumped no less than quarterly. However some restaurants may get by with semi annual servicing providing their usage is light or because of the types of food they serve.
Contact Us for a Free Estimate

Call Total Septic today for an estimate on servicing your grease trap. We also offer grease pumping maintenance contracts to fits your needs. Since you have a business to run, the contract allows you to not have to worry about remembering to schedule it. It is important to maintain a grease trap properly because it can damage the local sewer system by clogging lift stations and sewer lines. A fine may be imposed by the local county or city if any grease enters their sewer system. Also grease traps that are not properly serviced may accumulate a hard layer of grease, which when hard is very difficult to remove and dispose of and extra charges may be incurred if grease traps are not properly maintained.