Outlet Filter Device
Pumping your septic tank on a regular basis is the best way to maintain your onsite sewer system. Solids and sludge can build up preventing the flow of water to your drain field. Left unattended, solids and sludge get into your drain field causing costly repairs in the thousands of dollars. An Outlet Filter Device will help keep solids and sludge from entering your drain field. The Outlet Filters stop solid material from entering the drain field when the tank is experiencing high water levels during wet conditions or heavy water usage.

This simple device is one of the best ways to protect your investment.
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Water and sewage come from the house through the inlet pipe where bacteria help eliminate the solids. The lighter toilet papers and waste products float to the top creating the scum layer. Heavier particles and bacteria waste fall to the bottom and compose the sludge layer. The Effluent, mostly water, travels through and enters the Drain Field where it filters into the ground. An Outlet filter should be inserted in the outlet pipe to prevent solids from entering the drain field. If your tank does not have an outlet filter, we can install one!